Look What’s Growing in the Herb Garden - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Plants & Gardens Blog

Look What’s Growing in the Herb Garden

The Herb Garden is in its late-summer glory now. Several beautiful cultivars of tomatoes and peppers are ripe, and legumes and grains are maturing. Some specialty crops—like roselle, which is used in making sorrel drink—look pretty spectacular too. Curator Maeve Turner has also started to plant cool-season crops like broccoli and cauliflower for fall harvest. A few plants on display now show how pretty certain edible plants can become if you don't harvest them. Take lettuce, for instance. When allowed to bolt (flower and go to seed), the leaves become bitter, but the plant can take on new dimensions. The 'Lollo Rossa' cultivar in the garden now, for example, has grown into lovely red pyramidal towers. Artichokes also produce beautiful purple flowers if the the tasty buds aren't eaten.

Enjoy a few photos, but be sure to visit to see the rest of the season unfold!

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Image, top of page: Sarah Schmidt