Fragrance Garden - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Fragrance Garden

Fragrance Garden


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The intimate Alice Recknagel Ireys Fragrance Garden was designed to bring people in close contact with plants to stimulate the senses of smell and touch. Created in 1955, it was the first garden in the country designed to accommodate people with visual impairments, though its multisensory approach appeals to all visitors, particularly children.

Visitors are encouraged to touch and smell the plants here. Braille labels identify the specimens, which grow in raised beds at just the right height for children and for people in wheelchairs. Garden beds are arranged by theme: plants with scented leaves, plants for touch, fragrant flowers, and kitchen herbs.


Garden Layout


Learn about the history of the Fragrance Garden and how its special, sensory plant palette engages individuals in the Garden’s Seasonal Highlights Memory Tour program.

Learn More

Trees to See at BBG
Spring-Bulb Design Primer
Get to Know These Buds

Image, top of page: Blanca Begert