Herb Garden
With its small orchard and beds devoted to food and utilitarian plants from all over the world, the Herb Garden is both educational and lovely.
Here, a variety of food and medicinal plants grow in decorative beds or climb trellises and other supports. Pole beans grow up corn stalks in traditional companion plantings, espaliered fruit trees line the garden's border, and colorful cabbages grow as big as beach balls within the shaped hedge of a knot garden.
Cherry, apricot, and apple trees blossom in spring as early salad greens emerge, and summer sees later flowers, ripening berries, and lush cole crops. The fall harvest brings chile peppers, apples, and pumpkins and other squashes like you've never seen.
There are also cold frames, window boxes, a composting area, and other displays to inspire home gardeners. Interpretive signage highlights the origins and uses of food plants and offers practical gardening advice.
Garden Layout
Learn More
Great Pumpkin: Look What's Growing in the Herb Garden
How to Wrap a Fig Tree to Protect It for Winter