Plant Family Collection - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Plant Family Collection

Plant Family Collection

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The Garden’s historic Plant Family Collection is both a working landscape and a living resource that helps educate visitors about plant evolution.

One of the first features to open after Brooklyn Botanic Garden was established a century ago, this garden displayed closely related plants side by side for educational purposes. Its recent renovation enhanced its rolling hills and meandering brook, and the surrounding beds of plants include some of the original plantings as well as thousands of new woody and herbaceous plants. Plank bridges and grassy walkways allow visitors to walk among the beds and observe the plants up close. The brook is part of the Garden’s Water Circulation Project and helps carry water between the project’s two ponds.

Read More: Revisiting the Plant Family Collection


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Bloom Alert: Autumn Color Along Belle’s Brook
The Water Conservation Project Is Open

Image, top of page: Sarah Schmidt