Plant Profiles
Plant Spotlight: Sacred Lotus
Dive into the biology and cultural significance of these remarkable aquatic plants.
By Ashley Thuthao Keng Dam -
Plant Spotlight: The Pinkster Azalea
Explore the ecology and cultural legacy of the pinkster azalea, which shares its name with the oldest African American holiday.
By Georgia Silvera Seamans -
Witch-Hazels: Winter Flowers, Fall Foliage, and Lovely Form
Witch-hazels have a lovely natural form, smooth gray bark, and vibrant fall foliage. Maybe best of all, they have unusual, fragrant flowers that bloom when few other flowers do.
By Laura Powell -
Bluestar: A Native Perennial with Spring Flowers and Fall Color
A member of the Amsonia genus, bluestar looks lovely year round. Plant it in border, container, or rain garden. Butterflies and hummingbirds love it.
By Cayleb Long -
Sweet Woodruff: Shade-Loving Groundcover and Aromatic Herb
This dainty-looking groundcover is actually pretty tough. Its leaves can be uses to flavor May wine or punch.
By Joni Blackburn -
Native Witch-Hazel
Witch-hazels flower when few other plants do, and there are two native species that make wonderful garden shrubs.
By Mariellé Anzelone -
Red Sorrel
Grow this mallow family member in your garden and use its unusual seedpods to make a tasty Caribbean beverage.
By Scott D. Appell -
Rose Hips: Behold the Fruit of the Rose Plant
Roses are famous for their blooms, but they also produce fruits! They may be round or bottle-shaped, smooth or prickly, orange, red, or even black.
By Sarah Owens